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What is Nutrition Response Testing?



Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive analysis of the body, it helps to identify barriers to healing and uncover organs and glands that may not be functioning optimally due to a nutritional deficiency. The fundamental premise of clinical nutrition is that the body has the potential to fully repair itself when given the right nutrients.


Why should I be tested for supplements?

(Aren’t all of them good for you?)


Have you ever heard about a certain nutritional supplement on TV or from a friend and wondered if it might help improve your health? Or are you taking supplements and wondering whether or not you are seeing results? Nutritional Response Testing allows patients to take the correct vitamins in order to achieve optimum health. Why spend time and money on supplements that your body cannot use? By taking the incorrect supplements you may be creating obstacles instead of removing them


Is Nutrition Response Testing right for you?


  • Do you have one or more health conditions that won’t go away?

  • Have you visited doctors, or even alternative practitioners, but the results weren'’t what you hoped or expected?

  • Do you have any health conditions are significantly affecting your life (career, family and/or personal finances.)

  • Do realize that these conditions are probably not going to get better unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected.


What are my chances for recovery? 


Our long term experience in a wide variety of cases tells us the first thing we must determine is whether or not you might benefit from Nutrition Response Testing. If we determine you are NOT a Nutrition Response Testing case then it is unlikely that you will benefit from the program. However, if you ARE a Nutrition Response Testing case then in our experience, it is our belief that nothing else will help you more!


Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive analysis of the body, it helps to identify barriers to healing and uncover organs and glands that may not be functioning optimally due to a nutritional deficiency.

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